Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Keep running!

At the beginning of this year I started running... I have always hated running and never ever been good at it. I still am not good at it... But I like it! I haven't ran much lately... About once a week the last 2 weeks and I feel so blah! Its cold here! My ears are really sensitive so they hurt in any degrees under 65. My chest hurts when cold air hits it. I leave in a sweatshirt and strip while running then I gotta go pick all that shit back up. It gets dark earlier and I'm scared to run in my pitch dark neighborhood. I can't wake up earlier than I do.. Because I just can't. Sooo all these excuses I am realizing are just shits and hand grenades ... (or something like that right Corey?)

Corey and I talked briefly the other day about the first time I set out for a run... We had been stuck inside for a couple days last winter, I had already eaten us out of house and home when I had an urge to run. I got all bundled up and out I went. Snow on the ground, ice in many spots.. It was freezing. I ran and I almost died... I ran a whole half a mile, I then came back inside and seriously thought I was going to die! I couldn't catch my breath my chest was killing me.. I laid on the couch and vouched to never do that again! Until beautiful Spring came and I found a running buddy and we could gab for over 3 miles running and talking not stopping once! Now that's success!
All this to say I have felt like crap lately and I am sure part of it is that I am not running... So today I will dig out my ear muffs and suck up the rest of the excuses and JUST DO IT!


  1. I don't know how I would handle running out there, either. I do most of my running inside at the $10/month gym. Do you guys have one close that you could join? I love treadmill running, it's over fast, easy to track and beats freezing your boobs off. Good luck!

  2. Now you have a gym partner in the warm we can chat it up and get in our workouts :)
