Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Captain America, Ariel, Batman and Boo (from Monsters Inc)
AB loved trick or treating this year.  She walked almost the whole time...actually I take that back she skipped.  Jax has always been a big fan.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tales of a "home room mom"

You know at the beginning of the year when they send out the form that is asking you to volunteer at school as well as "check here" if you want to be the home room mom? Of course, I'll volunteer in the class to cut 5,000 circles and print 10,000 copies. I'm not even scared of the double sided yourself I'm a pro now.. What what! I digress... Back to the home room mom part..That title seems scary to me but I went for it ..On this sheet I wrote "I would do it if no one else could". Duh?! Apparently EVERYONE and their dogs know not to do that cuz guess who got home room mom. Oh yeah-you know it.

I love to entertain and have parties so I really don't mind. I just can't believe out of 23 sets of parents I am the only one who volunteered. There are only 2 class parties to plan.. No big deal. First grade parents are still pretty involved so I've had a lot of help. 

Here's my first party...

                    First, a parade around the school.
Next, games!  This one was "Roll a Jack-o-Lantern".  Excuse the fuzzy phone pics..there is only so much a mom can do.
Another game- Feel in the bag and guess what it is? Pumpkin teeth?  Witch Warts?  Fingers?
No hands do-nut eating allergies in this class HOLA!
                            The Mummy Wrap.
                              What is that I feel?
                              The class photo. A bunch of teethless cute!

Sunday, October 27, 2013


This year my grandpa turns 90..yes, 90. That's old y'all. It didn't dawn on me how old that actually is until we were writing it on the birthday cake. Wow. It was really important to my dad to take the three kids back to Texas to celebrate Papaw! We obliged and I ain't gonna lie I was less than excited about rooming with 3 dudes for the weekend. Let me tell you-scary!!!
Crazy Coons we once were and still least some of us. I was in bed each night at 11pm ..the rest.. Yeah not so much. 
Besides the fact while I tried to sleep on the plane while my brothers pluck my nose hairs, or besides the fact they took me to a scandalous bar one night (Redneck Heaven-except replace the hot girls on the show with some uuuugly gross hoochie mamas..go ahead google that shit), or besides the fact I woke up to farts everyday...
I mean those were small issues I guess. We had a good time, a nice party for Papaw, we were very well meals to be missed in Texas.
The not so cool part was the part that getting old SUCKS! My grandparents are getting to the end of their time.. It's time to move them to assisted living as they can not care for themselves anymore. Seeing them this way was hard for us and even harder for my dad. It was definitely a reality check-cherish your family because life is short...even if you make it to 90 plus years.