Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The little guy who's not so little.

Happy Birthday to my favorite little guy ever!  The little guy that is not so little anymore.

The little guy that still at 7 years old sees his mom with lipstick on and wants her to kiss his hand leaving a lipstick kiss so he can have it for his day.

The little guy who gets a cowlick while sleeping and wants me to hair spray it that way so he can tell his friends he went surfing last night.

The little guy who is the LOUDEST in the movie theater- with his loud laughs and quotes of what to come next. Embarrassing..maybe a little.

The little guy that insist on wearing Cowboys gear to school spirit day even though he says people are going to say mean things to him...stand up for what you love kid!

The little guy that knows every song on the radio..being christian, country or that other stuff. 

The little guy who thinks he is very grown up but still very much a softy. 

The little guy who loves sports and really has a knack for it but doesn't care to play on a team.. Would rather take a break-dancing class (thanks Boo/Pops for classes).

The little guy that who adores his sister and always takes good care if her. She's feisty...but he rarely snaps back.

The little guy who looks up to his daddy ...he's a "little Corey"...a little wond up but just a tender heart.

The little guy who is friends with everyone...boys, girls, big, little. He's social.

The little guy that loves his family...from the oldest Papi to the youngest Hannah...he's a lover!

The little guy who is so stinkin handsome..even with a snaggle tooth!

The little guy that I told last night "lets just stay up all night so you don't turn 7" to which he replied as he put his arm around me "not gonna happen Mom, not gonna happen".

The little guy that made a very sad day (9/11) a very happy one from here on out. 

Happy Birthday to my lil buddy! I love you more than words can tell.

Here's some pics of his day so far...

                                Donuts of course...

                       Balloons from the avalanche..

                   School buddies- Meadow, Jacie, Jax, Ethan

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