Monday, August 22, 2011

Just Blah...but the sun is shining today!

It's been 2 weeks since I've blogged?!  Rats!  I haven't really had anything exciting to say or show.  I have kinda just been blah lately.  We are getting our bus in just a 10 days ...that can not be here soon enough!!!  I am waiting tables at a restaurant close by and to be really honest SUCKS!  I work the opposite schedule as Corey and it is waiting tables...and waiting tables is a shitty job!  I am making money though...and a good amount of it to help us get back on our feet.  After a huge move and starting a business we have been wiped out!  Financially, physically and emotionally!  But in a few weeks we will have in our hands what we have been waiting SOOOOO long for ...a BIG GREEN FUN BUS!!!

I have kept this card as a close reminder to me lately...helps to remind me to keep it real!  This is just a trial that is making me strong!  I have lots of happiness, faith and determination in my things are going to be just fine!

1 comment:

  1. Cant wait to see the bus pics! Wish you the best for your new business.
