Saturday, July 21, 2012

S***ing Rainbows

I am a happy person, I smile a lot, I am very loving and compassionate. I do everything I can to make everyone feel special. I love life. Someone might say I s*** rainbows...
Just as anyone though I have bad days, or weeks. This week I dealt with someone extremely difficult, rude, "my way or the highway", selfish attitude-it tore me down. All I could think of to was pray...I prayed for myself and this awful person making me miserable. I know everyday is not going to be a box of chocolates but grrrr! I hate the hatred I felt towards me, I hate the hatred I had for this cotton headed ninny whats a girl to do?
I saw this picture and immediately thought of this person...just a nice reminder.

1 comment:

  1. whew, that person must have been a real treat to get under your skin like that! Don't let them get you down, girl! And don't let them be a part of your life if you can help it. Positive people + Positive energy = positive heart! Miss your face, will you guys ever be visiting again?
