Saturday, September 15, 2012

A day in the life of me.

I saw a link up the other day that perked my interest. I always say I would love to be a fly on the wall.. I am always so curious what people do. I liked this link up because it kind of gives me a glimpse into others lives...and typical day.

So my day looks something like this..
6:30-7am wake up time,most days by a sweet angel face that creeped their way into my room during the night or early am. We often play a bit, talk a bit, and snuggle a bit. Then it's up and attam. I go down stairs to always find my coffee made by my super awesome husband who leaves the house between 5-6am daily. He is a morning person, I am not! I get breakfast for the kids, usually a breakfast bar and a glass of milk.. Unless there is leftover cake of some sort and we eat they instead! I then make lunches and check emails.
8am I shower and get ready, yell at my kids 3-4 times to get dressed.
8:30am we are at the bus stop, 8:35 the bus comes and us moms gossip a bit and then AB and I are on the road. She goes to pre-school and I go to work on the bus.
9:15-12pm- I work. For lunch, most days my dad and I have lunch together sometimes Corey joins.
1pm-I pick AB up at school. then go home and do paperwork, return calls, check email.. Work stuff. AB naps most the time but some days she'll just watch TV or play.
3:30 I get Jaxson off the bus, we go home get a snack, fight over homework and then the kids are out the door to play with neighbors. Somedays I play too but most days I take my work and sit on the patio to watch kids and Gossip some more with neighbors.
5pm- Corey gets home, I cook dinner. 6pm- we eat, always as a family! Very important y'all!! Corey cleans dishes and I do more laundry and just generally pick up. We do baths and stories.
7:45 I leave for my run so Corey and the kids can stick thier faces in front of the idiot box (aka TV). Corey will put the kids down.
9pm- Im back, I shower real quick and then I stick my face in the other idiot box(aka computer) I look at Facebook, Pinterest, and catch up on blogs all while Corey's face is still stuck to his box.
10:30pm we head to bed..

On any given day you can throw in a search furiously around the house for keys or a phone in which -oops were in my pocket the whole time. Or a gymnastic class or a bible study or a frisbee golf game.. Oh and Somewhere in there throw in 15 stops at a store for something I forgot to get or didn't get enough. But that pretty much sums up a day in the life of me.

Now you share! If you play, comment and leave your blog link so we can be a fly on your wall.

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