Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Happy Birthday, lil Dude!

Seriously?!  6 years old?!  How does that happen?  He is still as cuddly and sweet as we was the first day I met him. 
Jaxson- you are everything I ever wished for and more!  You are compassionate and a born leader but you are not overwhelming. you know just how far you can take it in any situation!  You adore your sister and that just melts my heart.  You are so good with younger kids even if they annoy you.  You are a good student, and you are very smart.  You love to read and play with Lego's.  You shock us with your drawings.  You like to dance and you know every word to every song even the bad ones.  I love the smirk you give when you sing one of those bad lines in a song (like "rock n'roll bootie").  You are super cool but you are not afraid to kiss your momma in front of your friends ...yet.  I just love every inch of you to death!  Stay cool lil dude! 

Happy Birthday, Buddy!  Looking forward to celebrating at your party tonight.  Arggghhh!
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