Wednesday, March 27, 2013

LOVE is all we need.

A status on Facebook today, I felt I wanted to share!  I like it.  and no I don't need to "share" it on Facebook because all 400 of my "friends" there are not actually ALL my "friends"...if you see it here it is because you want to to be here and if you don't - well see ya!  

This guy says it just right.  Love is all we need, y'all!  I don't care if you are gay, or straight, or black, or white, or ugly- I LOVE you, I truly do...  Just sayin...

A few thoughts on Equality. (It's one of those long awkward "Christian" statuses. Beware)

As I see all the red equality signs pop up on my feed today, I'm noticing that I'm not hearing a lot of acknowledgment from the Christian community. And as cliche as this has become in our country, I feel like as a Christian, I'm seriously wondering what Jesus would do if he were here in this situation right now. I still don't have that answer, but what I do know is that He would not stay silent.

But here's the thing. I think we are misread a lot as Christians. Our homosexual brothers and sisters are NOT the only ones who are stereotyped, judged, and oppressed. The other day, I invited a gay friend of mine to church, not because he's gay, but because he's my brother. He replied with "Well I can't, because I'm gay, which means I'm going to Hell." Granted, this was said mildly sarcastic, but there's a bit of truth to every joke, isn't there?

The people we call "Christians" tend to go to 2 different extremes on this issue. They either A) Stand on a street corner and scream loudly while holding a sign, or B) Shrink back into our sheep-pens with the rest of the sheep and say nothing out of confusion or fear. I have found no in-between. And I'm guessing that this in-between, this tension, is where Jesus hung out daily. Do we really believe that Jesus would have stood on a street corner holding a sign that says "God Hates Fags?" Do we believe that Jesus would have simply hid in his church while an "equality" rally was going on outside? Shame on us.

Apparently, if you're FOR gay marriage, you're going to hell, and if you're AGAINST gay marriage, you're ignorant, old, and outdated. Do we really listen to how we sound sometimes? Shame on us.

There is another way. To my Christian brothers and sisters: stop being stagnant about this. I know you don't agree with homosexuality. I personally plan to marry one woman and love her for the rest of eternity, and cannot see another way of life intended for us than that. But newsflash: God never gave us the command to "agree" or "disagree" with things of this world. God doesn't care what our stand is on homosexuality, or abortion, or the legalization of marijuana, or who we voted for. God gave us the command to love each other. That's it. THAT'S. IT. That's our job.

And to my LGBT brothers and sisters: just like you say to us, please don't judge a book by its cover. Equality is great. Equality is amazing. But even though you're striving so hard for it, just know you already have it. Even if it doesn't feel that way. You already have it. Rest in that. And if you've ever felt judged or dismissed by the church in any way, than I'm sorry that you were horribly mislead. I'm sorry for whatever so-called "Christians" made you feel that way. That is not who our God is. Our God is the pure manifestation of love. He is kind. He is unwavering. He is strong. And He is for EVERYONE. My prayer today is that you may feel His presence in every breathe, every conversation, every tree, and every thought. And if you're still uneasy about this whole thing, then let me take you to coffee. (I'm serious) Not to "convert" you, but to hear your story.

We are all God's children. We are brothers and sisters. Let us not focus on making it a point to prove to our brother that we are right. Let us not focus on making it a point to convince our sister that she is wrong. Let us simply focus on being what we already are. Children of God.
Happy Equality Day everyone.

1 comment:

  1. well said, who ever typed all that. I am a Christian, and I think people should be able to marry whomever they feel like spending their life with. Marriage is hard. Way harder than most people give it credit for. Marriage is at times lonely. Marriage forces two people to deal with issues that they don't always want to deal with. Marriage is also a partnership. Marriage is getting to be with your best friend and walking through life with someone who gets you, even when you are bat shit crazy. Who am I to judge who gets to do that with you, or anyone? I don't really care! If you want to sign up for "forever" - do it and take it seriously! That's really more the issue, I think...

    I think this country needs to worry about other things than who is legally bound to who. Like, maybe worry about what we are spending our money on? I dunno...just a thought. Healthcare and Education might be a good place to start, too...
