Saturday, May 7, 2011

When I grow up...

 There is one thing I knew I wanted to be when I grew up and that was a mom.  I played "house" until I was 13 years old...(Tiff-you can vouch for this one).  There was a point  at the my first slumber party and I realized it wasn't cool to play with were suppose to prank call boys and listen to Boyz to Men- duh I knew that. 

Wow- how could I have EVER know that the hardest job in the world would bring so much pleasure.  Every day I learn something new and how much my own mom went through to get me to where I am today.   

to My Mom- Thanks for ALL you do for us!  You are the best.  Thanks for putting up with us...especially me.  You are such an incredibly strong women and I admire that so very much. 

Happy Mother's Day to every mom out there!!! 

I want to share a poem that was on Jaxson's school program cover pamphlet...almost made me cry- it is so true.  How could a little piece of paper with your child's finger prints on it be so incredibly special?  It's simple to see when you are a mom.

The Little Things
    It is the little things that count And give a mother pleasure - The things her children bring to her Which they so richly treasure... The picture that is smudged a bit With tiny fingerprints, The colored rock, the lightning bugs, The sticky peppermints; The ragged, bright bouquet of flowers A child brings, roots and all - These things delight a mother's heart Although they seem quite small. A mother can see beauty In the very smallest thing For there's a little bit of heaven In a small child's offering. - Katherine Nelson Davis

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