Monday, March 7, 2011

Found : 6 lbs

Okay so somewhere I found 6 extra pounds...I am thinking it is associated with the 30 thing.  Yeah..that must be it...right?  Couldn't be my infatuation with cupcakes, pizza and french fries.  I have been so lucky to really eat whatever I want...I typically eat pretty healthy and I never have really had to worry about my eating habits.  I keep complaining that I can not get rid of these pounds.. so I decided to do something about it.  Corey started The Atkins Diet today and while I choose not to go that far- I have chosen to take all white stuff out of my diet.  I get to cheat 2 meals a keep it realistic. hurts!  and it's only day one.  This semester I am in a kickboxing class 3 days a week, I've been in it for 8 weeks and have dropped not a single pound.  A friend brought something to mind "yeah you are working out but is the working out making you more hungry?"  Ahhh!  Yes. Genius!  So what she meant was ..."after your workout are you gourging by eating nearly a whole jar of peanut butter or a burger and fries because you can't wait to get home to get food in your mouth"...who me?  Noway!  :)  So on with a diet.  It's so hard.  I hate it.  I decided to blog about so I would be kept accountable and it would last until the last pound is gone.  So if there is something diet that taste like a cupcake, french fries or pizza ...PLEASE DO SHARE!

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